viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011

Hi, this is a video with the bomber ufo in beta stage, flying and droping bombs.

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Ufo Bomber Almost Done

The Bomber's class is almost done, the ufo will be moving from one side of the screen to another and when it will be close to the city it can be explode, at the moment it shows not explosion, only the test model is dissapearing, but the class is working just fine.

Now i will be move to write the single ufo class.

I need all the team members to keep in touch with me ....

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

Pre Alpha Bomber Ufo Test

hi to everybody that are following us, here are some news and updates about the project, the bomber ufo class is in major development and here you can see the bomber in the game play screen.

please take a major consideration because the model of the bomber is a dummy model made to test the class on game play, the level is still in development too.

lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Screen sketches

Hello for everybody! :)
Here the sketches for the screens:

Save/Load menu screen sketch:

City screen sketch:

Help screen sketch:

Highscore screen sketch:

Main menu screen sketch:

Pause screen sketch:

by Barbara (Mau Acheron)

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

Project C News 10-09-2011

the projet is making progress, i have writre some base classes, writing some basic stuff for the game's hud and a ufo class, to test the game play of the entire game.

i still  thinking in some game play logic and behaviors but i will figure out all this stuff, here are some pre alpha pictures of how the game is looking at the moment.

Levi is working on the 3d models of the game, barbara is working on the buttons and menus and eric is working in with the sound part, he has almost done the game's sound theme.