sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Character table

Sorry for the delay, it has been a hellish week, here is the character table so hellbound can start working. I couldnt finish it in die due to a lot of things going on. I'll fill the missing spots in the future and leave it to u guys to increase the table with what u think would make the game more fun.


Nothing in the table is final because we need to test everything to make sure it is cool in-game, so feel free to change whatever u guys want. This was just to give u an example to give u an idea of more or less how the game would be. This is your project now, so make as many tweaks as you all want, but remember to keep the original idea of the game

Now for the e-mails.

Vincenzo = Programmer/Director = vincenzo.ravo@gmail.com
Hellbound = 3D Modeler/Texturer = levisarts@yahoo.com
Eteray = Composer/Sfx = etertay@gmail.com

Two more incoming members but they have been unresponsive, I will redirect them to u guys when they respond.

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